Halau Hei
Ka HeiHei O Na Keiki

Weaving stories and String Figures
help children and adults,
residents and
find the Spirit of Aloha through play
The cord that connects the cultures of this world is made
up of many strands. Through string figures and storytelling, we can
teach children how to weave love and harmony into the pattern of their
lives. It is our intent to develop health and wellness through the arts,
using words, images, feelings and movement. The focus is holistic.
Woven into the fabric is an awareness of nature, culture and the arts,
spirituality, communication and literacy.
We have been influenced by the way children have been
taught during the passage of time in Hawaii and Polynesia. The kupuna’s
(elders) would watch the children and determine their strengths. They
would then teach to these strengths. The children were taught to look
and to listen. Observation and awareness were skills that were valued.
“Watch me and do as I do” was echoed in their family. The extended
family of tutu’s, aunties and uncles would tell them stories and the
oral traditions were passed down from their ancestors. Visiting
storytellers and competitions would be held. Games would be played and
the child’s skills would again be observed and nurtured. The Spirit of
Aloha was highly valued. Western thought and the mix of cultural values
have influenced changes in how children are educated today. We want to
bring back some of the traditions of the past and weave them into the
fabric of today. Reviving the art of string figures and storytelling
creates an atmosphere of learning that reflects the values held not only
by Hawaiian traditions but also of traditions expressed in the peoples
of cultures from around the world.
String Figures are called Hei in Hawaii. In 1928 a man
named Lyle A. Dickey recorded over 115 different Hawaiian figures. Many
of the figures came with stories and chants. String figures have been
found in almost all of the cultures of the world and new ones continue
to be created. Many people remember the games of Cat’s Cradle, Cup and
Saucer and Jacob’s Ladder but there are thousands more. Most people no
longer remember how to make the string figures. We want to bring back
the memories and revive this ancient art.