The story unfolds and connections are made.
May 4, 2004
Is it possible to find instructions to make the string figure
Piko o Kahoali'i. I have a friend Ronnie Kahoali'i and would like to
create the figure and display in a box for him. Any help you can give me
would be appreciated. Mahalo nui loa.
Colleen Kelley
July 18, 2006
Well, it has taken about two years to complete... my Piko o Kaho'ali'i project was finally completed on June 17, 2006!
I have attached two pictures of the project. A close up, and one with Ronnie Kaho'ali'i.. .the recipient of my vision.
The entire project consists of:
1. The string figure made from my hair
2. The lei made by my mother, in red to honor the feather cloak Kaho'ali'i I wore during the Makahiki procession
3. A piece of Hawaiian kapa donated by Aunty Mary Lou and Aunty Paulette (from Honolulu)
4. The shadow box made by my father out of monkeypod
I want to send my warmest aloha and mahalo for your help in learning how to do Piko o Kaho'ali'i.
July 23, 2006
Yes, you can share the story and the pictures on your website. I
checked with Ronnie as well. He feels very honored to be included.
Malama pono.