Heinani's WeBlog

I am a gathering of friends ~ a healing circle ~ breathe in the fun ~ and send it out ~ around the world

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I am a seed ~ of kindness ~ watch me grow ~ when you Whisper ~ Aloha

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I am a scrapbook ~ each page ~ is a memory ~ that Whispers ~ Aloha

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I am a secret garden ~ of sprigs ~ and sprites ~ sharing smiles ~ and Whispers ~ of Aloha

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I am an opportunity ~ within ~ a problem ~ take a deep breath ~ and Whisper ~ Aloha

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I am your wild ~ and crazy ~ life ~ embrace me ~ with your Whispers ~ of Aloha

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I am an emergence ~ from the underworld ~ Whispering Aloha ~ to the sky ~ letting go ~ of fear ~ embracing ~ love

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I am a wild flower ~ heaven’s ~ celestial Whisper ~ of Aloha

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I am the firefly ~ effect ~ unleashing ~ a creative spark ~ with my Whispers ~ of Aloha

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I am the feeling ~ of awe ~ and wonder ~ a simple flower ~ and a Whisper ~ of Aloha

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I am a ripple ~ on the surface ~ of still water ~ a Whisper ~ of Aloha

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I am a wish ~ made in the night ~ I am the star ~ in flight ~ I am the knowing ~ of dreams ~ and omens ~ this is my Whisper ~ of Aloha.

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I am the spirit ~ of a tree ~ nature’s sculpture ~ framed ~ in Whispers ~ of Aloha

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I am the up ~ and down ~ I am the left ~ and right ~ I am the knowing ~ of where I stand ~ this is my Whisper ~ of Aloha

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I am the flower ~ along your path ~ you are the sunshine ~ that warms my day ~ together ~ we Whisper ~ Aloha ~ embracing ~ what is

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I am the sun ~ that always shines ~ when you put your head ~ above the clouds ~ with Whispers ~ of Aloha

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I am the knowing ~ that this is ~ the way ~ it is ~ don’t be afraid ~ be still ~ and Whisper ~ Aloha

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I am a twinkling flower ~ of the night ~ that Whispers Aloha ~ to the earth ~ reminding you ~ that everything ~ will be ~ all right

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I am the sun ~ emerging ~ from a chariot ~ of clouds ~ greeting you ~ with Whispers ~ of Aloha

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I am the flower ~ I am the sun ~ I am the knowing ~ of love ~ and power ~ this is my Whisper ~ of Aloha

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I am a Whisper ~ of Aloha ~ in this web ~ of life ~ connected ~ we vibrate ~ love and light

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I am the rhythm ~ of wind ~ dancing ~ in trees ~ among fallen ~ leaves ~ that Whisper ~ Aloha

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I am the sun ~ portal ~ to the heavens ~ connecting ~ to the earth ~ in a magnetic field ~ that emanates ~ Whispers ~ of Aloha

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I am a rainforest clock ~ the hour ~ when birds ~ begin ~ their song ~ an awakening ~ call ~ to Whisper ~ Aloha

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I am a point ~ of reference ~ the flower ~ of life ~ a Whisper ~ of Aloha

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I am a mandala ~ of sacred art ~ opening portals ~ to unseen worlds ~ embracing magic ~ with Whispers ~ of Aloha

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I am a cosmic dancer ~ stretching ~ toward the stars ~ enchanting you ~ with my Whispers ~ of Aloha

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I am your muse ~ be inspired ~ by my Whispers ~ of Aloha ~ and create ~ something ~ magical ~ today

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I am a kindred spirit ~ calling to you ~ with Whispers ~ of Aloha

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I am a mystery ~ embrace ~ the unknown ~ with Whispers ~ of Aloha.

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I am a celestial reminder ~ to celebrate ~ life ~ with Whispers ~ of Aloha

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© 2011-20 Lois & Earl Stokes