One Eye or nenue
Made on Oahu
Dickey 1928:19
1. Hang string on left thumb.
2. Put left little finger into loop (so that the string goes from
behind your thumb across your palm and behind your left little finger.
The long loop hangs down in front).
3. With your left palm facing you, put right thumb (your
hitchhiking thumb) into the hanging loop near your left thumb. Turn
right thumb towards the body and up while hooking the hanging string on
your right thumb. Put right little finger into the loop from below and
extend (This looks like an x with the strings crossed in the middle).
4. The index finger of your right hand swims across to pick up
from below the palmar string of your left hand (The string that goes
across your palm) and swims back. Extend by stretching your hands so
that the strings are tight.
5. Now with the index finger of your left hand swim across and
pick up from below the right palmar string and swim back. Extend your
hands so that the strings are stretched tight.
6. Drop your thumbs (let go of the thumb strings).
7. With your thumbs go over the two strings on your pointer fingers and under to pick up near little finger string.
8. Extend your fingers so that the strings are tight and the one diamond shape can be seen.
The chant that goes with this string figure is
Pulehu ka nenue
Ko‘ala ka nenue
Roasted, the nenue
Broiled, the nenue
Nenue is a declicious fish caught on the islands